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Thursday, November 29, 2012


Diary of a Worm  is over but your worms still need care.  Remember the following:
1.  Worms like it damp but not wet.  If your worm home gets too wet, gently turn your container upside down (with lid firmly on!) and have a parent poke a few holes in the bottom lie the ones in the lid.  Set it back- bottom side down and set the container on an old container to catch draining water.  Then add some more DRY shredded newspaper to absorb some of the extra moisture.
2.  Add some extra dirt, one tablespoon full should do it for your small container.  Make sure it does not have chemicals in it.  Ask your parents. Worms need dirt to help them eat food.
3.  Feed your worms correctly.  It doesn't take much food.  If you still see food scraps then don't add more.  When you add food, just a little does it.  For just a few worms, chop up a big spoonful of RAW, UNCOOKED  fruit and vegetable scraps...no citrus like lemons and no onions or garlic. 
NEVER give your worms meat, dairy or grease!
4.  Worms like it dark.  Wrap some dark paper around he outside of your container.
Two red worms mating
5.  Not too cold or hot! Keep your container inside and away from hot things.  In the spring you can set them free in your garden if you want.
6.  If you see two worms together, leave them alone.  They are making babies.
7.  If you see a lot of black soil, that's worm poop and it is great food for your plants. Gently remove it and put it in your flower pot.  Your plants will love it!

Any questions?  Send it in the comment box below.
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